.rotate { display: inline-block; -webkit-animation: rotate 4s linear infinite; animation: rotate 4s linear infinite; } @keyframes rotate { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } }


”Jeg var til restorative gravidyoga hos Louise. Undervejs i timen fik jeg løbende plukkeveer (troede jeg). Veerne tog dog til efter klassen og 00:02 havde jeg født min datter. Et kæmpe tak til Louises hjælp til at give min fødsel den blideste start!
Det var guld værd.”

“Louise was our doula for a home birth. She really helped us out with preparation before the birth. I was a little bit worried about how the birth would be going, and felt that I could use some guidance. Louise really helped me with that, but also just the thought of having her attending the birth took some of the pressure off my shoulders. In the end, we didnt get our home birth due to some complications, but we had a lovely hospital birth and Louise arrived and supported my girlfriend when she needed it the most. We were so happy that we got her as our doula.”

“När min fru var gravid så valde vi att ha med Louise som doula, dels som stöd rent allmänt men även som extra resurs på sjukhuset. Förlossningen blev väldigt lång och slutade med kejsarsnitt och för min del var det väldigt skönt att Louise var med då det var en psykiskt och fysiskt utmattade process. Hon kunde byta av mig då och då men även göra saker som jag inte hade en tanke på. För min del var det skönt att ha en tredje person som inte var en del av de anställda på sjukhuset.”

”Jeg var rigtig glad for at have Louise med til min første fødsel. Jeg husker tydeligt at de spurgte mig om de måtte gøre et eller andet ved mig eller min søn, uden at tøve kiggede jeg på Louise som med det samme holdte en god øjenkontakt og gav hendes råd, måske også ud fra hvad hun vidste jeg ville høre. Hun var nemlig rigtig god til at spørger ind til en masse ting de gange vi mødtes inden fødsel og jeg følte hun vidste hvad jeg ønskede og hvilken slags person jeg er. Det kom også til udtryk ved at hun havde taget en diffuse med, hvor duften var en jeg havde valgt forinden ud fra hendes udvalg og vejledning i hvad der er afslappende. Jeg følte mig generelt vildt trygt og taget godt hånd om. Jeg føder ikke igen uden at have hende ved min side! Så kæmpe tak og anbefaling til Louise!.”

“I decided that I wanted a doula for my birth (and birth preparation) early on. The main reason was simple; me and my husband wanted to give ourselves the best possible conditions to have a positive experience. We wanted someone who would provide extra comfort, who would be able to overlook the situation and support with whatever would be needed. As first time parents we reasoned that we could prepare and read before the birth but it's just something that we can't study for fully. We also wanted someone who would adovacte for us if needed, and who would be comfortable with the danish system and language, as fluency in second languages tend to go away in stressful situations. We are so happy to have found Louise. Louise provided both theoretical birth preparation, eg phases of the labour and review of the birth plan, as well as practical such as positions for laboring at home, natural pain management, rebozo technique. This took place in the comfort of our own living room, with tools that Louise provided. We had the chance to get to know her and have casual talks before the birth which made a big difference, to have someone in the labour room that we already knew.
The birth turned out the exact opposite of my wishes, after 15h. of active labour it ended with a cesarian. Despise the very long and painful process I felt empowered and I feel good about it looking back, which is all thanks to the amazing support the birth team provided, of which Louise was essential. While I was off in birth land, Louise appeared wherever she was needed without us asking or even knowing what we needed. This could for example be putting counterpreassure on my hips in the right spot during the contractions (again and again for hoooours), but also directing my husband so that he could be the best possible support for me. She knew what needed to be done, and collaborated with the midwife in the sense that both of them had clear roles and complemented each other. After the birth we had a nice visit and got a lovely postpartum meal. I highly recommend Louise as a birth doula.”

”Det var en stor glæde at have Louise med som Doula. Min kæreste og jeg skulle begge være forældre for første gang og med ønsket om at få ekstra støtte før og under fødslen valgte vi Louise som vores Doula. Louise var meget professionel, rolig og støttende på en måde, der er svær at beskrive, men som vi aldrig ville have været foruden. Udover at forberede os godt op til fødslen, var hun også tilstede og nærværende i øjeblikket på en helt naturlig og tilpas måde. Vi har allerede sagt til Louise, at hun også skal være Doula til vores næste barn! De bedste anbefalinger.”

“Looking back at my pregnancy and birth, I feel so grateful to have had Louise as our doula. Knowing that I wanted to have a home birth, I really felt it necessary to have a woman in the room who was there to support my partner and I through the process. Although we didn’ end up getting to give birth at home, I still don’t regret hiring Louise at all because we got so many hours of private birth preparation and I could always reach out to her for any doubts or questions. Having Louise as our doula allowed my pregnancy, labor, and first few days of postpartum to go so smooth and I am so thankful for that.”